Demona: My colleagues and I had lunch here, after an appointment with a customer. The restaurant was located in an open space, where by every dining table had a giant bright yellow umbrella hovering over it. The chef's kitchen, in the middle of the revolving sushis conveyer belt was located next to the dining tables. Pretty much like the Sushi King, Sakae Sushi style.
Demona: This was the steamed egg tofu, with mushroom. It was quite smooth and savoury. Decent and sincere.
Demona: This was my colleague's meal set. Grilled salmon with rice, miso soup, jello and coleslaw salad. The salmon was a little overgrilled, hence, the meat was a bit hard.
Demona: We shared a salmon meat, roe and avocado sushi appetizer set. Not too bad either.
Demona: My colleagued ordered a Thai salad. It was made up of cashew nuts, vegetables, spicy glass noodles, squids and "cabai burung" (What is the english term of this?) slices. I liked this dish a lot because of the extreme spiciness of the glass noodles, and crunchy cashew nuts to go along with them. The portion was too huge for one to finish. Definitely worth sharing this dish if you are there dining here with a group of people.
Demona: This was my set meal choice. Raw octopus, tuna and salmon slices with rice, jello, miso soup and steamed red beans. The meat slices were placed in a bowl filled with shredded ice. They were quite salty. So was their miso soup. Made me really thirsty after my meal.
Verdict: The set meals cost around RM20 to RM25. Where as, the salad, if I remembered correctly, was RM 9.50. I found the price being decent, for the meal portion that we had gotten. At least, we were all left rubbing our bloated tummies, smiling. The raw meat, of course, as expected were not the freshest of the lot, after all it was not a proper Japanese restaurant anyway. This eatery is basically a place for you to have a quick fix and tease of Jap food which would not burn a hole in your pocket, fast service and chilling out in a cozy environment.
and "cabai burung" = chili padi or
Bird's Eye Chili Pepper @http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_pepper
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