Demona: I melted butter and brown sugar, till they turned slightly sticky and caramelised. Dogma, caramelise :) *winks*

Demona: Self raising flour and eggs were added into the sticky buttery caramel mixture. The resulting mixture was poured over the same square tray which I used on the brownies earlier. This would be the meringue's base.

Demona: This part was the trickiest. Beat up the egg white until it turned white and fluffy, like a cotton candy or a piece of cloud. This step ends up in failure many times because the egg white will never fluff up if any of the baking tools used had oil residues on it, even the slightest bit.
Thank god, it fluffed up really nicely this time. I beat the fluff along with some golden syrup and sugar. The batter is done once you tilt over your bowl and the batter still sticks nicely on it without dripping.
I broke some walnuts into smaller chunks and threw them in as well.
The meringue was spreaded on top of the caramel mixture until every inch was covered by it. Now, the baking process begins.

Demona: The baking time took about 30 minutes as well. The texture of the meringue bars was a beauty. The meringue layer tasted like barbaqued marshmallows, chewy and moist on the inside, and the caramel layer gave a sticky, gritty feel. The chewyness was balanced with some solid, crunchy walnut bites. The slack part was that it was very sweet. I will lower the sugar volume in my next round of baking this recipe. By then, I think it will be a beautiful creation :)
The cost of baking this recipe was far lower than the brownies. I'm beginning to be very interested in trying out other meringue recipes. Maybe something fruity next time!
recipes please!! it looks good, keep it up :)
Thanks for the compliment babes!
Will send you the recipe once I get hold of the recipe book, which is nicely tucked in Taiping, waiting for me to try out more new recipes :)
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