Demona: Dogma himself can't help being a "Si Lai" (housewife aunty material), when he stumbled upon "Only SGD 3.25 from 22-25 April!" for all Terra chips flavours in Cold Storage. The "kiasu-ism" in him just popped out instantaneously and in no time, he was happily strolling back home with 4 packs of Terra chips.
Our routine "chipping" session usually starts from 10 pm onwards. Shows how much of TLC which we have for our little cute folding flabbies. This time, we opened the potato chips with olive oil, sun dried tomatoes and balsamic vinegar flavour.

Demona: I gotta' admit, Terra chips do kick potato's butt! This Terra chip flavour spells thumbs up! I could taste the sweet sourish tomato flavour on the tip of my tongue itself, and small tiny orange reddish tomato flakes were seen on the chips' surface. Mild smell and taste of vinegar was also detected as well. I was glad that they weren't as pungent as Dogma's "old socks" vinegar drink.
The Terra manufacturer is very distinct and precise on their flavours. You can really differentiate the flavours as written on the packaging itself. Amazing job with the potato chips, you guys!
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