Until one fine day.... my good friend who's a Subang-ian, let out the news that Qui Lin pork noodles has moved into Restaurant Pomander at SS15, behind the Taylor's Business School building. The restaurant is situated next to Kwai Sun Restaurant , and opposite Sea View Restaurant.
WOO-HOO! Craving's fullfilled!

Demona: I had always wanted to bring Dogma here but the stall went MIA for a good half a year, thus I was only able to share my porky yummylicious experience with him with words and facial expression. Finally... I can share this experience with him ...... by actually smelling, tasting, eating, and sweating out the REAL DEAL!
I forgotten to pre-empt Dogma on the waiting period, usually around 30 minutes to an hour. He went around the area hunting for newspapers, but failed to find any.
To kill time, we ended up:
(i) staring at each other
(ii) counting the number of people and tables waiting for the noodles, who were here before us
(iii) people watching and bitching
(iv) looking at the clock every few minutes
(v) hoping that the noodles would be ours everytime the waitress comes in with the tray
After a good, butt aching 45 minutes... our noodles finally came! We were superbly hungry by then already. We quickly paid, took picts and DUG IN! Each bowl cost RM4.80.
I ordered the Pork Bee Hoon soup. The soup was sweet and super porky flavours were locked in it! The lard's presence was definitely obvious in terms of taste, looks and smell.
Demona: (looks at Dogma)
Dogma : "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.... SONG -AH! *slurp*slurp*"

Demona: I opted out the funky bits eg: intestines, liver. I know, I know, I am missing out the best bits about pork noodles, but I am not adventurous in terms of internal organs. I was given pork slices and minced pork instead. Deep fried crunchy pork fat tiny chunks were added in the soup to enhance the porkiness of the dish! OOOOH LA LA. Each mouthful was absolutely, satisfying!

Demona: This was Dogma's bowl. Despite drenching away with sweat, these were the only few things which came from him throughout the whole eating process.
(Wipe sweat action)
(Nodding head action)
Actions speak louder than words? Very true, very true.

Demona: Another close up pict of Dogma's bowl. It makes me salivate just by looking back the gorgeous picts of the pork noodles that Dogma took.
Verdict: Pork noodles lovers out there, I may have exaggerated the greatness of this a bit too much, but everytime I get a chance to eat it, I always end up satisfied. Sometimes I wonder if the waiting period affects my taste buds, you know ....
Long waiting period = Hungry = Salivate = Pork noodle comes = Gobbles gobbles = Tummy filled up = Happy and satisfied.
Whatever it is, this pork noodles is some kick ass good *toot* to me. A MUST TRY! Bring your tooth brush and paste along for a wash up later because the porky taste is so strong that you'll have "Hog's Breath" for the rest of the day.
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