The whole place was almost filled when we got there.
"Plenty of people! Food must be GRRRRRR-eat!"

Demona: These were served as appetizers. The jellyfish salad was quite delicious. Tangy, chewy, salty, crunchy factors combined. After paying the bill, I only realised that it was totally not worth it at all. Call me cheap, but RM 3, for the TINY bowl of peanuts? and RM 4 for the jellyfish salad?

Demona: Ny customer ordered the spinach soup with century egg slices. I found this dish, greatly disappointing. However, there were many who ordered this dish I noticed similar bowls on many tables.
Why disappointing? The soup was way too salty, and some how or rather (I know, I know, my tastebuds may be wrong since this is an ESTABLISHED restaurant), the soup tasted like it was jam packed with chicken stock. I ended up eating the vegetables and eggs, and left the soup behind. This dish cost RM 15.

Demona: The century egg was deep fried. Not much difference in terms of taste between a fried and one that is not.

Demona: THIS, THIS, THIS...... "TOH POU" (A lot of nutrients) fish.. This is where the CHEATED part came in. A pretty senior chinese lady, came over to our table with sweet smiles (or evil smiles) to take our order. My customer is a great fan of fish, and he immediately chose fish and asked her for a recommendation.
I am extremely poor in terms of ordering chinese dishes, especially seafood. I told him to go ahead with the orders as long as it was affordable, with a decent portion.
She named a few fishes, but said them REALLY quickly, and then paused a while. Then, she named this out.... "TOH POU" fish. My customer shook his head, expressing his unfamiliarness. She went on saying how good the fish was and it was a MUST try. Even advised us to take the 200 g fish since we were small eaters. Even threw in a comment of "This meat is good for your skin, ladies!"
When it came, the first thing that hit my mind was " This huge, for a 200 g? SURE BOH?" I brushed the thought aside and took my first bite.
UH-OH. The moment I ate the meat, I knew.
"DAMNIT. It tastes expensive!"
The dish was TOO, TOO, TOO oily. Its meat, by nature as well as the style of its cooking. The meat was soft and light, but the oilyness spoilt everything.
The big UH-OH came, when the bill came.
Fish x 1 = RM 214.90
(2 freaking 14 nighty cents????????????????? I swore my heart almost broke out of my ribcage when I saw those figures. It was down right ridiculous! I could have eaten a damn good cod fish/ patin/ soon hok fish.)
I called the same lady over again to find out the details about the fish. She laughed and laughed, and I sensed mockery, sarcasm and pure evil. She painted us a "beautiful" picture about how this "TOH POU" fish was never reared and can only be found 6 years once in the ocean.
Evil waitress (in cantonese) : "Long, long once, can eat expensive la! HAHAHAHAHAHA" *wack, wack my shoulder*
Me (almost crying) : *weak smiles with nothing to reply to her*
I admit that I should have queried the woman on the price of the fish by weight. She knew we were not knowledgable about this and she could have pre-empted us on the golden price tag and asked if we were alright with it. But, NONE of that sort. Some colleagues of mine even said, "These people will always recommend you something they can't sell".
..................................... *toot*.

Demona: This was the claypot pork slices with salted fish. The pork meat was pretty good. They were soft, tender and juicy. The slices had a lot of fat on them though. I had to dice them out. RM 18.

Demona: An upclose pict of the pork slice.
Verdict: By choice, I will never step into this restaurant again. The one word that drives me away, as a foodie person, is when I am deliberately cheated by the restaurant. A restaurant should present its food with pride, sincerity, and happiness. Not mockery, lies and deceit.
omg! i've agreed to bring a customer to this place tonight -- will certainly stay away from oily tou po??
from yr review, i do hope they have improved on the taste & presentation... to be known!
Hey zenoed!
The best advice from me would be, to take a pinch of salt of the dishes that the ladies might recommend to you.
For fish dishes, I think your knowledge on them'll be higher than mine for sure, since I was the one who got conned. Haha.
I believe choosing usual fishes will be fine.
I hope they've improved too! But this one experience was good enough to steer me away from Overseas for a long, long while.
Do let me know how your visit to the restaurant turn out yeah?
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