Demona: Parking is ROTTEN HELL here. Be prepared to spend at least RM 5 to park your car in this area. We came here to check out the widely known eatery scene, Jalan Alor. We stumbled upon this stall, Ngau Kee Beef Noodles, along the way. The adorable looking cow on its signboard caught our attention. We decided to give this cute cow a tummy growling try.

Demona: Each bowl of noodles came along with a bowl of soup with beef balls, meat chunks and pork skin. I did enjoy the beef ball as it has a flavourful tangy, chewy texture. The meat was alright only, and Dogma finished up the pork skin slices. EEKS. The soup was not my cup of tea. It tasted as if it was packed with MSG.

Demona: The chilli was delicious! Spicy, garlic, hot and sour. SLURPS!

Demona: The noodles (sang meen) was topped with a sincere portion of minced beef. The noodles were lovely, with a chewy but light texture making each bite truly enjoyable! The flavourful minced meat was a fantastic combination to the noodles. The minced meat and noodles itself was already good enough, even without the bowl of beef ball and meat soup. This meal cost RM 5.50.

Demona: Another pict of the stall and its cute signboard taken by Dogma, before we left for our next tummy feeding destination. A fairly interesting meal, I can't compare much because I rarely get to eat beef noodles. I am sure there are great beef noodles stalls out there which I have yet to venture.
I did see a tiny stall along the way to Pudu, near Petaling Street. But the problem with parking my car has detered me from giving it a try. Readers, any comments on this shop? Or recommendations of other great beef noodle stalls?
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