Demona: Located right next to Ipoh's Tesco, is this wine and dine restaurant, named Sincero. Its design concept is wood, covering walls and floors of the restaurant, with dimly lited lights hanging from all over the ceiling. Some areas had high tables and chairs, for drinking, and some areas had normal ones. An area was built-in for the resident DJ. When we walked in, we came face to face to a bar filled with liquour, beer and wine, which took up quite a fair bit of space in Sincero.
Personally speaking, Sincero felt more like a bar rather than a wine and dine restaurant. Hmmmmmmmm.. at this point, I was quite skeptical about Sincero's food.

Demona: Each main course came with salad and fries. The salad was made of slices of cabbages and carrots, drizzled with thousand island sauce. Nothing impressive about it. Even Nandos makes better salad than this place.

Demona: I shared a pepperoni pizza with my colleague. It cost RM 17.50. The pizza was too much for two to share if the other person also ordered another main course. We only managed to finish half of the pizza. The rest, we packed back to the hotel... which eventually was left to rot. (None of us wanted to eat cold hard overnight pizza for breakfast in a food haven like Ipoh).
The pizza was only average. They managed to deceive people, making it enjoyable to eat by adding a sincere portion of shredded mozzarella and herbs. (Evil Sincero plan to cover up for the lack of pepperoni slices in the pizza).

Demona: The fries that came along with the main course. LOUSY, LOUSY, LOUSY. There were only few pieces and I could tell that the fries had been refried. No thin fries can match up to Mc Donalds's fries. Other than that, crinkle cut and coarsely chopped potatoes are my preferred choices.

Demona: This was the chicken con carne. Thin slices of cheese were wrapped inside a chicken fillet and deep fried. This was also another disappointing dish. Once I sliced through the meat, the skin immediately fell off instead of sticking on it. I ended up eating the meat without the bread crumb coated skin. It came with a pathetic display of steamed vegetables as well. Three slices of carrot, cauliflower and some chopped long beans. How, "creative". This dish cost RM 16.50.
Verdict: The price was almost comparable to Chillies / TGI Fridays! (who are the few top kings of western food) but the quality is way off the thumbs up line. Besides that, coming to a food haven town like Ipoh and eating at places like these, just felt... REALLY WRONG.
From 10 pm onwards, the resident DJ would start playing music. The DJ was a close friend of my colleague, and he bought us beer. The funky neon lights came on, shining randomly away at all corners of Sincero.
Wine and dine became fun and dance. I must admit, the DJ had some kick ass skills as the music was good. It would have been even better if there was actually a crowd there with us. We were the only ones there. Mr DJ said that weekends would be jam packed though.
Alas.. this is NO place for makan makan. A place for a great party hang out, with booze and great music to dance the night away with. At least Sincero did not appear dodgy unlike most pubs / bars in Ipoh where I probably get mistaken for a call girl from China (Even when I am in my lepak T-shirt and faded coloured pants!)
guys thanks for dem comments on the dj part.......thanks.....but i dont remeber buyin u beerlah
The DJ that night did bought Satwant beers, and there were two other gurls who tagged along with her...
ok then it was not me i guess cos i noticed my trademark line in ur write up.....anyways big ups....do drop by www.raremix.blogspot.com to get some of sincero's in house remixes......keep bouncin....one time
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