Demona: Happy Cow Smoked Salmon cheese! (RM 6.90) In triangular shaped forms. The cheese was slapped on with this Kenji wholewheat crackers (RM 3.95). The crackers were dry and bit of a gritty feel, but it matched fairly well with the cheese. The cheese was smooth, savoury, delicious, although I could not taste the salmon.

Demona: Margaret River, 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon. *sniffs* PENCIL PENCIL PENCIL poking me nose! And I turned really red and sleepy after drinking. A fairly alcoholic wine. I did not even realise that I dozed off half way through the food and movie. For further reviews on the wine, I will get Dogma to continue on for me.
Sandalford Margaret River 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon@60SGD
Nose: Beautiful nose of pencil shavings/lead with cigar box and leather. Elegant cedar at the back. Still significant alcohol heat initially but slowly reveal some currant and vanilla after much aeration.. NICE!!!
Palate: Abundant of black fruits and berries with a good acid hitting on the mid palate. Tannins were pretty silky and grippy..Finish is exceptionally long.
Verdict: A wine made for the long haul. You could see its potential now and I am now a faithful follower of Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon wines (vasse felix, moss wood ). Pretty close to a good left bank Bordeaux (Think branaire Ducru ) at 1/3 the price, although probably less elegance and longevity. I still have a bottle kept at my cellar. Aim to open it up in 2011

Demona: Dogma and I are HUGEEEEE fans of Calbee chips. Their chips are really thinly sliced and superbly crunchy! We saw a new flavour, Seaweed Mayonaise and so, we decided to give it a try. Not bad! Salty, and when you chewed more, the taste of mayonaise comes out.

Demona: Seaweed flavour. Our regular MUST HAVEs from Calbee. Yummyyyyyyyyy.. Each pack cost RM 3.95.

Demona: An upclose pict of the Calbee chip. Calbee will continue on to be our future movie marathon "Friend".
Verdict: Sometimes, a chill out lazying time alone at home with someone comfortable, with a couple of great old dvd movies and a few glasses of wine beats a hot saucy partying night out or a big screen cinema movie outing. The great part about it is that, its cheap! And you are allowed to have messy hair, ugly looks, and worn out PJs. Howwwwww.. comfortableeeeeeeeeee...
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