4 months ago it was CNY in Taiping....
4 months later it was CNY at Tummies Growl blog.....
Great picture is really worth the wait, don't you think so?
Above--> Dogma's faithful old guard, Zack De La Rocha of the Boxer Breed
Below--> Dogma's Generation X Fighter, Hazel the Black

Both of them are chilling outside the kitchen,,, waiting for any surprise bones and leftovers from our CNY lunch meal.

Aged Pu Er Tea with Ma Lao Mit ( Monkey picked tea leaves, where the tea tree grew on teh edges of the cliff)--- bitter and smooth..... oooooooo graciously gliding down your throat.

The aftermath-> Turkey Carcass ready to be devoured by Zack and Hazel

Home Made Achar and honey glazed chicken wings

Mandarin, the must haves for CNY but Dogma really dun dig this..he gave demona a big pack of this


Peanut sauce COld Noodles: Northern China Cuisine..with a south asian twist.. the peanut paste was replaced by Skippy Peanut Butter Jam!

Pine Nuts Organic Salad...at Dogma's crib,, meals are always a concoction of east meet west,,,

TURKEYYYYYYY... annual event for the Dogma's family. I believe this is the second time demona had it at my place....per Turkey is RM100,,, that is RM200 i say! Check that lil mandarins beside teh turkey? Demona gobble them down the turkey fat infused Baby Mandarins,, This sounds like French Food!

Dogmama's kitchen

Turkey in a cage

Garlic charbroiled Lamb Rack.....
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