I baked Mocha Muffins, this time around! I got this recipe online while browsing through some baking websites.

Demona: Sunflower oil and eggs were added initially, and stirred well to mix them together.

Demona: After this step was completed, brown sugar, full cream milk and vanilla essence were added into the mixture and stirred well. (The sweet aroma already started to arise when the brown sugar melted into the mixture!)

Demona: The plain flour, enriched wheat flour, cocoa powder (please do not use low quality ones as they really do greatly affect the taste of your batter), baking powder and baking soda were sifted into the wet mixture. Sifting is a vital method as it prevents your batter from being clumpy.

Demona: Once the flour had all combined into the batter, I added almond slices and white chocolate chips into it. (Do not overbeat the batter as your muffins would turn out hard)

Demona: I laid the cupcake paper moulds and spooned the batter into them.

Demona: Once the whole tray was filled up, it was baking time! Mom's space alien like oven certainly looked wierd! Anyhow, it did an extremely good baking job as the heat was evenly distributed to each muffin. There was no issue on some muffins over baked, some under baked, burnt etc.

Demona: WHOA-LAH! Yummy muffins awaken! The strong chocolatey aroma filled the air in the kitchen. There was one problem though, most of the white chocolate chips melted along as well whilst they were supposed to stay as they were before baking. The whitish dot appearance on the muffin did not turn out as I hoped for.

Demona: This was a close up shot of the muffin. Actually, the muffin was still very warm but I was too eager to take a pict of it. (Actually, I was too eager to eat it because taking their picts, smelling them etc were salivating me like mad already).

Demona: It was indeed a yummy wummy tummy recipe! It tasted wonderful. Its sweetness was not overpowered due to the choice of using brown sugar, even with the addition of the white chocolate chips. The almond slices gave a nice crunchy texture in between the muffin bits. I wished I added more milk though to enhance the moistness texture of the muffin.
Muffin moulds were too expensive, hence I settled for cupcake moulds, which was also a mistake. The batter was too heavy for the cupcake mould to hold, thus this has affected the shape of my muffin.
The process of making the muffins was really simple. It only took me 15 minutes to prepare one recipe. I did two recipes, yielding me around 80 muffins.
The cost was not cheap though. I spent RM50 in the bakery ingredients shop. OUCH. I did have some leftovers from the recipe. TO BE BAKED ... IN .. FUTURE... SMILES.
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